Proudly presents you my almost-in-control books and stationery haul from BookFest@Malaysia 2016. It's forbidden not to be able to give in yourself entirely to the irresistible shopping impulses when your heart is endlessly screaming and uncontrollably cursing your soul, especially when you are one of the crews working there for the whole duration, to be constantly facing those evil temptations and yet torturing yourself to behave is a crime, am I right?
To defend myself, all of these are now belonged to me because they were tagged with special rebates. Also, I have numerously been indulged in the realm of rationality, then successfully, and cruelly, persuaded myself to put some of the books back to the shelves before I paid.
Please tell me that I'm innocent.
My BookFest haul is separated into few parts: English books, Chinese books and stationery. So here comes the English books first:
1. The Young Elites | Marie Lu
I am tired of being used, hurt, and cast aside.
Adelina Amouteru is a survivor of the blood fever. A decade ago, the deadly illness swept through her nation. Most of the infected perished, while many of the children who survived were left with strange markings. Adelina's black hair turned silver, her lashes went pale, and now she has only a jagged scare where her left eye once was. Her cruel father believes she is a malfetto, an abomination, ruining their family's good name and standing in the way of their fortune. But some of the fever's survivors are rumored to possess more than just scars ---- they are believed to have mysterious and powerful gifts, and though their identities remain secret, they have come to be called the Young Elites.
My disease is as rare as it is famous. Basically, I'm allergic to the world. I don't leave my house, have not left my house in seventeen years. The only people I ever see are my mom and my nurse, Carla.
But then one day, a moving truck arrives next door. I look out my window, and I see him. He's tall, lean and wearing all black --- black T-shirt, black jeans, black sneakers, and a black knit cap that covers his hair completely. He catches me looking and stares at me. I stare right back. His name is Olly.
Maybe we can't predict the future, but we can predict some things. For example, I am certain going to fall in love with Olly. It's almost certainly going to be a disaster.
4. The Unexpected Everything | Morgan Matson
Andie had it all planned out.
When you are a politician's daughter who's pretty much raised yourself, you learn everything can be planned or spun, or both. Especially your future.
Important internship? Check. Amazing friends? Check. Guys? Check (as long as we're talking no more than three weeks).
But that was before the scandal. Before having to be in the same house with her dad. Before walking an insane number of dogs. That was before Clark and those few months that might change her whole life.
Because here's the thing --- if everything's planned out, you can never find the unexpected. And where's the fun in that?
5. Finding Audrey | Sophie Kinsella
An anxiety disorder disrupts fourteen-year-old Audrey's daily life. She has been making slow but steady progress with Dr. Sarah, but when Audrey meets Linus, her brother's gaming teammate, she is energized. She connects with him. Audrey can talk through her fears with Linus in a way she's never been able to do with anyone before. As their friendship deepens and her recovery gains momentum, a sweet romantic connection develops, one that helps not just Audrey but also her entire family.
These gorgeous pastels are my Chinese book haul:
1. 但其實我們 | 橘子
那你記得嗎? 我曾經對妳的好? 我就只對過妳這麼一個女生好。怎麼會這份好到了最後就只剩下這一句: 你不可以這樣子對我。
我沒牽過她的手,可是我背過她走,我沒親過她嘴唇,可是我看過她掉眼淚,每一次的掉眼淚;我從來就不是她的男朋友,可是那幾年,陪在她身邊佔據她心底把她寵壞的害她依賴的是我,始終是我。而她不也是? 把我制約了害我習慣了,可最後我卻被判出局了,多餘的,不要的,太忙的。
2. 我不喜歡這世界,我只喜歡你 | 喬一
我很贊同林夕的觀點,喜歡一個人,就像喜歡富士山,你可以看到它,但是不能搬走它,你唯一能做的,就是自己走過去,去爭取自己的愛人。這個道理我花了這麼多年才明白,好在那個我以為一輩子都不會原諒我的人,一直站在原地等我。所以我說,遇到F,是我這輩子最幸運的事。我最不動事的時候曾經對他說,你走吧,你會找到更好的人的。他回了一句讓我至今震撼的話,他說: 「我從來不想要甚麼更好的人,我只想要眼前的人,妳究竟甚麼時候才會懂?」是的,現在我懂了,謝謝你始終沒有拋下我,謝謝你有足夠的耐心,去等一個女孩慢慢長大。
3. 比起說再見,我們更擅長想念 | P's
再見是長度,想念是深度,我在心裡和你說再見,把你留給最想念的時空。要過了許久之後你才會明白,說得最疾聲的再見,往往都是因為不願再相見… 而說不出的再見,是為了在往後的日子裡,能以最溫柔的轉速吟唱想念的情歌。還有時間說再見的,都不算真正的逝去;還有空間去想念的,都還存在愛的動容。愛上了,你最怕的,是再也回不去一個人了;愛著時,你眼裡沒有其他光景,執拗到像個孩子;不愛了,你看向他的視角,只剩失焦般的濃霧;愛走了,你沉澱一切,好讓心在未來更富足。為了讓每個失落靈魂都能找到出口,P's暖心註解所有關於愛的習題,不論你現在是一個人、兩個人,都要快樂並勇敢得無愧於心。
4. 練習,喜歡自己 | 肆一
這是一本自我療癒的書! 以往肆一總透過溫柔細膩的文字,陪伴在愛裡頭的戀人們走過心傷和孤寂。然而其實不管是在愛情、友情或者生活,所有的源頭都是要先學會喜歡自己。
今天也要好好的,明天也是。「每當看著大家的傷心時,總會發現大家都忘了自己其實很好,只是一味地否定自己。會自責、會失望,拼命想要對對方好、努力想要實現夢想… 你花了最大的力氣去喜歡一個人,但就是忘了要喜歡自己。」肆一如是說。
5. 那片星空,那片海 | 桐華
那個人,是我眼裡的璀璨星空;那個人,是我心底的無垠大海。愛情和人生一模一樣,永遠都是鮮花與荊棘同在。如果我的愛情是鮮花,我願意擁抱它的美麗芬芳;如果我的愛情是荊棘,我也會毫不猶豫地擁抱它的尖銳疼痛。因為,當我擁抱鮮花時,是吳局藍用甜蜜和微笑為我種下的美麗芬芳;當我擁抱荊棘時,他的整個胸膛早已長滿了用自己鮮血澆灌的荊棘。如果我們的相擁只能隔著荊棘,那麼我願意用力、更用力一點地抱緊他! 即使荊棘刺穿我的肌膚,刺進我的心臟,只要能距離他近一點、更近一點!
6. 半暖時光 | 桐華
7. 他來了,請閉眼 | 丁墨
約會時,他說: “我對這種事沒興趣。不過如果你每十分鐘親我一下,我可以陪你做任何無聊的事。”
吃醋時,他說: “與我相比,這個男人從頭到腳寫滿愚蠢。唯一不蠢的地方,是他也知道你是個好女人。”
激情時,他說: “雖然我沒有經驗,但資質和領悟力超群。順便提一句,我的觀察力也很好。”
求婚時,他說: “言語無法表達。如果一定要概括,那就是—我愛你,以我全部的智慧和生命。”
8. 你和我的傾城時光 | 丁墨
他今晚坐在她身旁時,用那雙漆黑的、沉如冬夜的眼,勢在必得地望著她說: “我想要得到的,我已經看到,觸手可及。” 林淺定了定神,抬起紅潤的臉,目光湛亮地直視著他的眼睛。“如果有一天,你愛的女人,帶給你抽筋剝骨那樣的痛苦,你又會怎樣?” 歷致誠也定定地回望著她。“如果是我愛的女人,那我只能…” 他輕聲答,“甘之如飴。”
Last but not least, I surrendered myself into the enchanting spell of stationery, and now I have a rainbow collection of pens and some pastel highlighters - Faber-Castell, Pilot, Zebra, Uni-Ball and Pentel. Aren't they gorgeous when grouped together?
Let me announce: I'm a happy kid now. But my wallet is crying hard.
How about you? What have you hauled in July so far? And if you are obsessed with stationery, which brand(s) is your most favorite?
With love,

6 lovely confession(s):
Ooh look at that, you own Everything, Everything!! Which means (probably) that you'll read it soon! The Unexpected Everything is also cuite :D You'll have fun with it (if you like dogs ahha) Happy reading!!
I just tried to post a comment but it didn't work???
So it's good to see you own Everything, Everything b/c I really want you to read it and share your thoughts on it!!
What a gorgeous haul Clara! I love the spines of your Chinese editions, so pretty! I'm a massive fan of stationary too, but never end up using any of it. I have a stunning yearly planner that I bought and it's July and I still haven't used it. I think I need to just stick with notepads and notebooks as they're the only ones I tend to use, mainly for quick notes and bookstagram tags. I loved Finding Audrey and The Unexpected Everything, can't wait to see what you think of those! <3
Great haul, Clara. ♥ I also bought A Little Life and The Unexpected Everything this month. :)
I hauled Finding Audrey too! I've read The Young Elites and I loved it, the sequel was my favourite! I love colour pens mainly because I make lecture notes with them, my favourite so far has to be Pentel and Zebra, I love how smooth they are. I also spotted some pens in your haul that I own!!
The Bookaholic Blurbs
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